Knowledge of skin

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Knowledge of skin

Skin is the organism first defensive line which is important for the physiological processes. We give help to know the the structure of skin.

The skin consist of 3 layers. epithelial layer, suede layer, subcutaneous connective tissue. Epithelial creates the keratin which tie the water. Epithelial layer die time to time and became the horned layer which can be rubbed down regularly.  The suede layer is the skin thickest middle layer, consist of collagen and elastane. This cause the flexibility and youngness of skin.

Hair roots, sweat glands and nerves are in the suede layer. In case of pain this send message to the brain. At the roots of hair there are sebaceous glands with its greasy secretion which makes the skin waterproof and flexible.

Bőr szerkezete
Bőr szerkezete

There are 3 parts of the hair follicle.  The main problem which can happen the inflammation of hair follicle. Usually, we do not pay attention about it, just waiting for disappear, but it should be handled because otherwise it may cause serious complications. The inflammation usually caused by the Staphilococcus aureus bacteria. The tiny 1-3 mm diameter inflammatory bladders turn up mostly on thighs, legs, arms, chin and scalp. Many experience inflammation of hair follicle after depilation, this caused by wrong preparation of skin (not soft enough) or lack of hygiene. Prevent this we can make the skin soft (warm bath, steaming), and disinfect the tools we use. The already formed inflammation can be handled by disinfectional agent, and in more serious case antibiotics. In the X-Epil products offer can be found care treatment after waxing, using that it can be prevented the inflammation of hair follicle on the used skin surface. The lowest layer of skin consist of mostly adipose tissue, which protect from mechanical effects and  working as thermal insulation also. Underneath the skin there are muscles.

Is male skin different?

The structure of the male skin is determined by the testosterone hormone. By this male skin is thicker and greasier than the female skin and growing old is different, too. Male skin 20 % greasier on average than female skin, because of the more sebaceous glands. Their sebaceous glands and pores are bigger than in female skin. Because of the 2 times more tallow created in male skin they are tended to have more acne, but they do not have skin dryness as often happens with female skin.

Growing old is different on men than women. It starts later but getting through quicker. Wrinkles deepen quickly, muscles became less and skin sagging. The process of growing old go with swell of eye area and dark circles under eyes.